Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First World Problems Follow Up

The ugly chair is being replaced by something that is (hopefully!) attractive. The furniture company did the unthinkable - unthinkable because they had specifically said they wouldn't do this - and took the chair back for a $50 restocking fee and allowed us to order the same chair in a different color for the same discounted price as the ugly chair!! That still makes it a good deal, even if we did get to learn a very important $50 lesson.

The lesson: ALWAYS take the fabric swatch outside and look at it natural light! 

Another important lesson: ALWAYS be nice to people, even when you are frustrated. Maybe I should say especially when you are frustrated. Nice people may get unexpected assistance, whereas no one wants to help an ass. I credit our mastery of this principle with the resolution of many of our problems. 

Finally, I am in a super good mood. I just finished a huge chunk of work, I got to have lunch with a friend, the ugly pink chair has faded away, my dogs are snoring softly at my feet, it is drizzling outside and the world is quiet, and I can feel my baby thumping softly in my belly. 

I sincerely hope that you are happy wherever you are.

Ugly Chair Update: The manufacturer has discontinued the fabric we chose. We have to go in tomorrow and pick yet another fabric color. First world problem squared! 

1 comment:

Liz said...

Found you! I am so excited to stalk every page of your blog now. I knew that was you in the comments on Amalah! Glad to hear that you are getting a non-pink chair.