Incredibly sucky diet of total suckiness aside, this past weekend was awesome.* Two of our friends came up to visit us (OK, really his mom lives here too, but we were an integral part of the visiting). We went out on a pontoon boat two days in a row. We were pulled behind the boat on various plastic floaty devices. I got to dive off the boat to my hearts content. Important side note: diving is not allowed pretty much anywhere. Not even on the floating dock, which, c'mon! It's all floaty and shit!
The only negative part about swimming in the middle of the lake is my ridiculous fear of fish. I don't want them to touch me. I am totally, irrationally panicked by the idea that some humongous fish might rub against me. Also, I was traumatized by a catfish as a kid (not a joke), and do you have any idea how big fish can get?!? We were near the edge of the lake, and the water was 80+ feet deep = AHHH scary fish!
*Awesomeness was previously noted in the aforementioned title.
R and I also re-re-celebrated the sale of our house in Ohio. Given the current economy, one can't take these things for granted! The sale closed on Friday. We got our check on Tuesday, and since we both had the day off, we went to Spokane and visited a couple parks. I was all "I remember this," and "We went here a lot when I was a kid," at nausea. But R's a good sport.
Then we went to a nice restaurant, where we ate on the deck overlooking the lake and mountains. Much seafood and wine were consumed (I'd been feeling fine for days, so don't you dare mention the doctor-prescribed diet). It was fantabulous.
The only downer was some family-related craziness. But, I have decided not to bring my family up in this here blog because: 1) Some things are too real, dawg; 2) Someday they might read it; 3) I'm hoping to be able to block out the majority of my memories of a particular family member, rendering my life much happier and myself much less neurotic. Wish me luck on that one.
So, family craziness aside, this weekend was awesome. We were away from the house quite a bit, and so there are dog-related repercussions. Odin - who's my baby and I love him so much he LOVES his mamma - is extra-super clingy and whiny. He's kinda driving me a wee bit crazy, but I'll let it slide. It's a small price to pay for having such a good time.
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